Littler (JD Supra Denmark)
DENMARK: Salary Compensation Scheme and Alternatives to Dismissals in Light of COVID-19
On March 14, 2020, the Danish Government and the social partners reached an agreement on partial salary compensation for Danish companies, which are or will be temporarily releasing their employees from work with full pay (the “Salary Compensation Scheme”).
Littler Global Guide - Denmark - Q4 2019
A Case of Double Discrimination - Precedential Decision by Judiciary or Regulatory Agency - A Danish district court has confirmed that the dismissal of a female wheelchair user who had just returned from maternity leave contravened both the Anti-Discrimination Act and the Act on Equal Treatment of Men and Women.
Littler Global Guide - Denmark - Q3 2019
It is the assessment of the legislators that the injury concept had become too narrow in practice, since injuries not requiring treatment to heal, pass or be reduced cannot be recognized as “industrial injuries.” The new Act – which comes into force on January 1, 2020 – specifically sets out that “temporary” injuries may also be recognized as “industrial injuries.”
Littler Global Guide - Denmark - Q2 2019
Amendments to Concept of Industrial Accidents to Cover “Temporary” Injuries - New Legislation Enacted - The Danish Parliament recently amended the Danish Workers’ Compensation Act for the purpose of, among other things, easing the requirements for when an injury can be recognized as an industrial injury. The new Act specifically sets out that “temporary” injuries may also be recognized as...
Littler Global Guide - Denmark - Q1 2019
The Danish Stock Options Act has been amended with effect from January 1, 2019, repealing the freedom of contract in relation to employee share schemes. In the previous Act, the reason for termination of employment impacted employees’ rights.
Littler Global Guide - Denmark - Q3 2018
Act on Protecting Trade Secrets- New Legislation Enacted- The new Act on Protecting Trade Secrets is based on an EU-directive, which aims to streamline and strengthen the effort on trade secrets within the EU.
Littler Global Guide - Denmark - Q2 2018
Amendment to Working Environment Act Encourages Employees to Speak Openly - New Legislation Enacted - As of July 1, 2018, the Danish Working Environment Act will permit the Danish Working Environment Authority to meet with employees outside the presence of their employer.